NEW EDITION!!! for the month of March!!
PLAIN LYCRA is now AVAILABALE loves! To those who’d like to have a much simpler version of our EMPRESS collection, these plain lycra series also known as EMPRESS CLAIRE. Check them out, ok loves. You might find something interesting for yourself.
And oh, if you find any colours which is NOT AVAILABLE in our collection, but would like to have it, please do not be hesitant to send us a request. We’ll try to help you to get them for you, deal? Hope you’ll enjoy it!
PLAIN LYCRA is now AVAILABALE loves! To those who’d like to have a much simpler version of our EMPRESS collection, these plain lycra series also known as EMPRESS CLAIRE. Check them out, ok loves. You might find something interesting for yourself.
And oh, if you find any colours which is NOT AVAILABLE in our collection, but would like to have it, please do not be hesitant to send us a request. We’ll try to help you to get them for you, deal? Hope you’ll enjoy it!
Material : Plain Lycra
Design : Ovul
Price :RM30
Plain Lycra yang amat selesa & mudah dipakai.
Material ORIGINAL lycra, bukan kain JERSEY ye.. ni yg high quality punye.
Mudah matching dgn baju, especially baju corak2 or baju kurung.. xyah susah2 nk iron tudung b4 pg keje ;)
Claire Rose
SOLD to K. Wawa
SOLD to K. Wawa

Claire Grey
SOLD to K. As
SOLD to K. As

Claire Black
SOLD to Jue
SOLD to Jue

Claire Blue

Claire Peach
SOLD to K. Fieza
SOLD to K. Fieza

Claire Flame

New stocks are IN, dearies! Various selection of EMPRESS collection. Check it out!
Buy any TWO, you will be entitled to receive an EXCLUSIVE GIFT from Chic Anggun. Surprise!! :)
EMPRESS Arabella
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47

EMPRESS Phasiani
Material : Lycra
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to K. Salbiah
New stocks are IN, dearies! Various selection of EMPRESS collection. Check it out!
Buy any TWO, you will be entitled to receive an EXCLUSIVE GIFT from Chic Anggun. Surprise!! :)
EMPRESS Arabella
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
Arabella 1
SOLD to Aween
SOLD to Aween

Arabella 2

Arabella 3
SOLD to K. As
SOLD to K. As

Arabella 4

Arabella 5
SOLD to Aini
Arabella 5
SOLD to Aini

EMPRESS Phasiani
Material : Lycra
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to K. Salbiah

Corak merak kayangan yang amat eksklusif - kelihatan seperti dililit bulu merak apabila tudung ditarik.
(sister of previous EMPRESS Yolanda)
Material : Lycra
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
Awning dan jaluran keliling dibuat dari material yang sama - apabila dipakai, kelihatan seolah-olah memakai 2 lapisan tudung. Sangat COOL!
Yolinda 1
SOLD to Jue
SOLD to Jue

Yolinda 2
SOLD to Sal
SOLD to Sal

Yolinda 3
SOLD to Nonie
SOLD to Nonie

Yolinda 4
SOLD to Farah
Booked - Nonie
SOLD to Farah
Booked - Nonie

Yolinda 5

Yolinda 6
SOLD to Nonie
SOLD to Nonie

Yolinda 7
SOLD to Shima
Yolinda 7
SOLD to Shima

Yolinda 8
SOLD to K. As
Yolinda 8
SOLD to K. As

Yolinda 9
SOLD to Norul
Yolinda 9
SOLD to Norul

Yolinda 10
Yolinda 10

Yolinda 11
SOLD to K. Zah
Yolinda 11
SOLD to K. Zah

Material : Cotton(awning) + Lycra(body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
SOLD to K. Lili Munira

Design checkered yang sangat style..
Material : Lycra
Design : Round
Price :RM40
Half printed lycra, & half plain coloured lycra. You'll be getting TWO looks for ONE price!
Mandy 1

Mandy 2

Mandy 3

Mandy 4

Mandy 5

updated on 19/02/2010
EMPRESS is a collection of tudungs with exclusive design & the quality of the material & the exclusivity of the design is carefully selected. Basically, the quality from the EMPRESS collection is equally the same as those from the famous A*R**NI boutique (ala, butik tudung jenama terkenal tu ;P). Kalau tak percaya, beli dan cuba bandingkan. Kualiti yang sama, tapi dengan harga yang sangat MURAH.
Yes, with less than half of what A*R**NI can offer, anda boleh beli tudung yang ala-ala A*R**NI. FYI, kami dapatkan bekalan tudung-tudung ini pun dari pembekal yang sama, cuma takde cap je.. :P NO, NO, NO. Jangan sangka koleksi kami ni koleksi yang setaraf dengan yang RM10 punye. Tersangaaaat la lain. Koleksi kami ade kelass gitu..
Okla, let's cut the chase. Mari kita tengok koleksi-koleksi tudung yang ada di Chic Anggun Kollection. This is the Numero Uno batch of the Empress (dalam erti kata lain, batch pertama la.. hehe). So far, sambutan yang diterima amatlah menggalakkan! Ada yang tak sempat di"publish"kan dah dirembat orang. But no worries, kalau ada permintaan untuk design yang dah Sold tu, Insyaallah, permintaan tersebut akan cuba dipenuhi. So, selamat bershopping!! XOXO
Info :
A : Design ROUND mempunyai potongan hadapan yang berbentuk bulat (rujuk Elettra 3, 5, 6, 8 & 9), manakala design OVUL mempunyai potongan lengkung yang memudahkan pemakai membentuk scallop di hadapan. Kebanyakan design EMPRESS adalah berbentuk OVUL. Mudah dibentuk, cantek & sukar didapati di pasaran.
A : Kerana kualiti yang ternyata berbeza daripada yang biasa dijual di luar sana. You'll get what you pay. What do you expect from a RM20 or RM30 punya tudung? Go figure. That's why Chic Anggun tidak menjual tudung yang tidak dijamin kualitinya. Besides, Chic Anggun mendapatkan bekalan daripada pembekal yang dipercayai.
EMPRESS Belladonna

Yes, with less than half of what A*R**NI can offer, anda boleh beli tudung yang ala-ala A*R**NI. FYI, kami dapatkan bekalan tudung-tudung ini pun dari pembekal yang sama, cuma takde cap je.. :P NO, NO, NO. Jangan sangka koleksi kami ni koleksi yang setaraf dengan yang RM10 punye. Tersangaaaat la lain. Koleksi kami ade kelass gitu..
Okla, let's cut the chase. Mari kita tengok koleksi-koleksi tudung yang ada di Chic Anggun Kollection. This is the Numero Uno batch of the Empress (dalam erti kata lain, batch pertama la.. hehe). So far, sambutan yang diterima amatlah menggalakkan! Ada yang tak sempat di"publish"kan dah dirembat orang. But no worries, kalau ada permintaan untuk design yang dah Sold tu, Insyaallah, permintaan tersebut akan cuba dipenuhi. So, selamat bershopping!! XOXO
Info :
Q : Apekah perbezaan antara design ROUND & OVUL?
A : Design ROUND mempunyai potongan hadapan yang berbentuk bulat (rujuk Elettra 3, 5, 6, 8 & 9), manakala design OVUL mempunyai potongan lengkung yang memudahkan pemakai membentuk scallop di hadapan. Kebanyakan design EMPRESS adalah berbentuk OVUL. Mudah dibentuk, cantek & sukar didapati di pasaran.
Q : Kenapa harga tudung di Chic Anggun tiada yang kurang daripada RM40?
A : Kerana kualiti yang ternyata berbeza daripada yang biasa dijual di luar sana. You'll get what you pay. What do you expect from a RM20 or RM30 punya tudung? Go figure. That's why Chic Anggun tidak menjual tudung yang tidak dijamin kualitinya. Besides, Chic Anggun mendapatkan bekalan daripada pembekal yang dipercayai.
EMPRESS Belladonna
Belladonna 1
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to K. Zah
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to K. Zah

Belladonna 2
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to K. Wawa
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to K. Wawa

Belladonna 3
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Chiffon (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM55
SOLD to K. Salbiah
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Chiffon (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM55
SOLD to K. Salbiah

Belladonna 4
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47

Belladonna 5
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Nein
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Nein

Belladonna 6
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Farah
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Farah

Belladonna 7
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Sal
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Sal

Belladonna 8
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47

Belladonna 9
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Idot
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Printed Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM47
SOLD to Idot

Yolanda 1
Material : Printed Cotton (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM50
SOLD to Sal
Material : Printed Cotton (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM50
SOLD to Sal

Elettra 1
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Sal
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Sal

Elettra 2
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45

Elettra 3
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45

Elettra 4
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Datin Maya
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Datin Maya

Elettra 5
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45

Elettra 6
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45

Elettra 7
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Miss Ha
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Ovul
Price :RM45
SOLD to Miss Ha

Elettra 8
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45

Elettra 9
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
SOLD to K. As
Material : Thai Silk (awning) + Lycra (body)
Design : Round
Price :RM45
SOLD to K. As

EMPRESS YinYang (Duo)
YinYang 1
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Lime Green + Soft Green
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Mar
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Lime Green + Soft Green
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Mar

YinYang 2
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Dark Choco + Beige
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Nor
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Dark Choco + Beige
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Nor

YinYang 3
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Black + Grey
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to K. Asmah
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Black + Grey
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to K. Asmah

YinYang 4
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Magenta + Purple
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Sal
SOLD to K. Lili Munira
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Magenta + Purple
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to Sal
SOLD to K. Lili Munira

YinYang 5
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Ochre + Yellow
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to K. Asmah
Material : Lycra (full)
Colour : Ochre + Yellow
Design : Ovul
Price :RM48
SOLD to K. Asmah

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